
This site is for those who are interested in developing and sharing their unique style. It is about self-expression, originality and fun! I believe everyone has inside of them a wealth of creative energy passively waiting to be expressed. Through my love of collecting, displaying, creating and photographing I express myself and how I see the world. Let your own creative energy escape! Whether expressed through your keen fashion sense, your good eye for detail or artistic abilities, creative expression will undoubtedly enrich your life. And maybe even inspire others!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Where the Road Ends

Every week day morning I drop my daughter off at the end our road. This is where we wait for the school bus. Our road is a private mile-long stretch of gravel off the main road. Where the road ends is where I wait.

This spot has become a kind of reflecting place. The time I spend here in repose may be the calmest moments of my day. I see this particular spot in all kinds of weather, in breaking dawn and near dusk depending on the time of year. I see where the road ends swathed in fog, laden with snow and illuminated by the sun in an amazing Western blue sky. I see the same road continue on ahead of me, laid out in perfect perspective. I watch the field grasses sway to the wind's tune.

A single pine tree stands like a sentinel where the road ends. It's top has died out and a bony finger points skyward. Hawks, crows, owls and smaller birds vie for the finger, a commanding view to be sure.

So it is here that my day begins. On that last stretch of gravel where the road ends.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


One of my favorite things to collect is vintage jewelry. As with most collections the jewelry began with a couple of cameos and grew to rings, brooches, bracelets.... It need not be valuable, costume jewelry does just fine. I'm always on the lookout for cameos, sparkly rhinestone pieces and rings of all sizes. New jewelry just does not speak to me in quite the same way as my vintage collection. While many women may feel diamonds really are a girl's best friend, I'll take these eclectic old pieces any day!