
This site is for those who are interested in developing and sharing their unique style. It is about self-expression, originality and fun! I believe everyone has inside of them a wealth of creative energy passively waiting to be expressed. Through my love of collecting, displaying, creating and photographing I express myself and how I see the world. Let your own creative energy escape! Whether expressed through your keen fashion sense, your good eye for detail or artistic abilities, creative expression will undoubtedly enrich your life. And maybe even inspire others!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Think Fast.

Making time to be creative is always a challenge. But for people who have that driving need to express themselves through creative means, it is a necessity. I often have several projects going on at once. There is usually a long term project that might take many days or weeks to complete and several "mini-projects." The "mini-projects" are those that can be completed in a matter minutes. They are perfect for when I just want to escape for a few minutes and produce something out of that moment or experiment with a developing idea. The week-ends offer the luxury of big chunks of glorious uninterrupted creative time but during the week, small projects fit the bill.

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