This site is for those who are interested in developing and sharing their unique style. It is about self-expression, originality and fun! I believe everyone has inside of them a wealth of creative energy passively waiting to be expressed. Through my love of collecting, displaying, creating and photographing I express myself and how I see the world. Let your own creative energy escape! Whether expressed through your keen fashion sense, your good eye for detail or artistic abilities, creative expression will undoubtedly enrich your life. And maybe even inspire others!
Home Sweet Home

A vase full of fresh flowers, a framed snapshot that brings back happy times, children's drawings...these seemingly small touches make a house a home. While my home is not by any means reminiscent of a magazine layout (you can tell that by the pet hair and stacks of magazines strewn around) I do love these personal touches that make our home cozy.
In fact, home is where I almost always want to be. Home is a haven from all the distractions of the "outside world." Peaceful, comforting and, at times, slightly dusty. HOME, I LOVE YOU!
We have so much in common, Rhonda. I love your "ode to home!" It really sums it up for me...and I feel like I don't even need to say anything...because you said it so well on my behalf. :-) Love the little collection of photos you posted to illustrate your love of home. You know? Between your blog and Eileen's and mine...we could probably just keep coming up with NEW stuff based solely on the inspiration from our few modest pages. I love it! Thanks for sharing....