
This site is for those who are interested in developing and sharing their unique style. It is about self-expression, originality and fun! I believe everyone has inside of them a wealth of creative energy passively waiting to be expressed. Through my love of collecting, displaying, creating and photographing I express myself and how I see the world. Let your own creative energy escape! Whether expressed through your keen fashion sense, your good eye for detail or artistic abilities, creative expression will undoubtedly enrich your life. And maybe even inspire others!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Make Your Way

A famous quote by the author George Eliot; "It is never too late to be what you might have been." Indeed! Beautiful and wise words that can be applied to so many areas of life. If you are craving a creative life begin it now. Understand the importance of being an active participant in your life. I value my creative energy too much to ever let it slip away. If I had thought it was too late to pursue a creative path I certainly would not have attempted it in the middle of my life! Thank-you, George Eliot, your words have become my mantra!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Think Fast.

Making time to be creative is always a challenge. But for people who have that driving need to express themselves through creative means, it is a necessity. I often have several projects going on at once. There is usually a long term project that might take many days or weeks to complete and several "mini-projects." The "mini-projects" are those that can be completed in a matter minutes. They are perfect for when I just want to escape for a few minutes and produce something out of that moment or experiment with a developing idea. The week-ends offer the luxury of big chunks of glorious uninterrupted creative time but during the week, small projects fit the bill.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Girl of the World

This is the second in a series of four decoupaged mannequins I have done over the last two years. She is called "Girl of the World" as she is styled in a travel motif. Maps were used as the base, followed by retro-style luggage stickers and embellishments. Mannequins have been one of my favorite projects and are the largest scale items that I have done to date.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Time is of the Essence

If you are interested in Finding Your Style it will take some time. Invest the time it takes to discover what it is that truly speaks to you. If you put the time into developing your creative pursuits the pay off will be well worth the investment. Carve out a little time each day to experiment with your creativity. Perhaps buy a sketchbook or journal to get you started. Make a list of creative experiments you'd like to try. Research a new craft or technique or join an on-line art group

Take charge of your creative spirit and make the time to nurture it a little each day. When creativity becomes a personal priority you may find that everything else begins to fall into place.

Monday, February 23, 2009

It Certainly is....Different

One of the most difficult things about putting your creations out in the public eye is bracing yourself for the feedback. I find creating an extremely personal pursuit and sharing the fruits of my labor is a humbling experience. A few of my decoupaged mannequins are on display in the shop I manage. They do turn heads. I've grown accustomed to the puzzled stares and the occasional "What is THAT?" You can always count on children to be perfectly honest! While positive feedback has its place, I tend not to be very motivated by the opinions of others.

At the end of the day I know that I do what I do for ME. Creating is as much about the process as it is the finished piece. It's about trying to create something tangible out of the endless ideas that swirl around in my head. It is about following through on a handful of those ideas and coming up with something that does not exist anywhere else.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Origin of Ideas

"How did you think of that?" If you're the creative type you have probably heard that question numerous times. People are always curious about what sparks a particular idea. For me, most often, inspiration interrupts my sleep. I awake suddenly in the small hours with an idea already turning around in my mind.

Ideas shape and form themselves from one thing to the next while I sleep, morphing into this or that. Once the idea has concocted itself to its liking then it alerts me. A sort of creative alarm clock, if you will. I then toss and turn a bit, firm the idea up and make mental notes. I know from experience that the ideas which visit me in the night are the ones worth pursuing. Surprisingly, I do not forget them nor do I write them down. Nocturnal inspiration may carry on like this night after night for a couple of weeks. There are fruitful periods as well as dry spells but such is the mysterious ebb and flow of life.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Unlikely Settings

Sometimes half the fun of composing and shooting photographs is choosing an interesting background. As is tends to go with creative pursuits, this can often happen somewhat by chance. While trekking around outside with my dog I decided this birdbath with ice inside would make an ideal background. But ideal for what? I settled on this necklace with clear glass beads because they seemed to echo the icy feel of the shot. I then turned to color and set up this still life using items that matched the birdbath's indigo hue for a monochromatic look. Keep your eyes open for possibility and be willing to take chances. Finding Your Style means thinking in ways that other people probably would not.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Collecting is half the fun

There are two types of people in the world; the collectors and the non-collectors. There is no need for me to clarify which category I fall into! If you are a collage fanatic like me, collecting materials for your projects is a necessary and fun pursuit! Putting those bits and pieces to use in a finished piece is extremely rewarding as so often you may have had no idea where that bit of lace or those colorful buttons might end up. For those who wish to get started crafting but have no clue how to begin, I highly recommend trying collage. I will definitely be blogging frequently about collaging. In the meantime, gather up those pretty baubles you have stashed away and think about how you might put them to use in a finished project!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Let's Play!

I've often felt that the creative process I so enjoy as an adult is much akin to childhood "playing." It is through unstructured play that children unknowingly make sense of their world. So it is with time spent in the adult creative process. Time that knows no boundaries, follows no agenda and receives no evaluation is the best time one can spend. Just as a child in play feels no inhibition an adult can also strive for similar freedom.

You will know when you have achieved this state of bliss because you will no longer be aware of time all. When you are completely absorbed in the moment, time will stand still. How often do any of us live "in the moment?"

A child may be processing far more than he appears to be during play. Creative time for adults can serve the same purpose as head and hands unite in a single goal. It may be the soothing repetition of a needle through fabric or the purposeful pressure of hands upon dough, whatever the moment's task may be, rest assured your life is working itself out in ways you may not even be aware of.

Play on!

Keeping it Simple

Sometimes keeping things simple with your style is the order of the day. I seem to have an affinity, read "obsession", with black and white. It is THE enduring combination, the very definition of contrast and never fails to make a statement. If you end up visiting me often here, you will undoubtedly see many photos that pay respect to the simplicity and sophistication of black and white. In these two photos I've allowed each to stand on its own. Pale and pearly, the whites are soft and soothing. The blacks have a bold sophistication that only black can posses. When you're trying to Find Your Style, whether in apparel or home furnishings, black and white might be the simplest and most striking choice.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Ode to Birds

This is the fourth in a series of decoupaged mannequins I have made over the last two years. Each mannequin hosts an individual theme and is styled accordingly.

Obviously, birds was the chosen motif here. For some reason birds have a way of routinely showing up in my work.

The challenge in the construction of this mannequin was working with materials that were constantly at odds with one another; feathers and glue, bits of sticks and tulle...at one point it seemed as if one of my cats might actually attack!
These girls can be time consuming to create but lots of fun in the end.

Why Not?

When it comes to your creativity be careful not be influenced by naysayers. Hold your talents near and pursue them to any end you choose. Creativity is a gift to be nurtured. Nourish it regularly and watch it grow!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Too Much Time on My Hands?

An unenlightened acquaintance once responded, "you must have too much time on your hands..." after viewing one of my small creations. Do people really think the creative fruits of one's labor is somehow time wasted? I was puzzled and only managed to reply, "I don't watch much t.v. actually."

When the day's demands have been met and those with whom I live (animal as well as human) are content in their own ways I find solace in the process of creating. I've never considered it to be a waste of time but rather an indulgent luxury! Too much time? To the contrary, NEVER ENOUGH TIME to do what it is you truly love.

Glass in Silhouette

These two shots gave much more interesting results than I expected. That's kind of what one always hopes for, that element of surprise. I was pleased with the atmospheric qualities of each. In the case of the bottle, the image has the appearance of being under water. The shadowy portions within the bottle itself remind me of light reflecting in the bottom of a pool. The hanging lamp was the last image I shot before that wonderful patch of sunlight faded. I loved how the amber color of the glass was picked up in the photograph. The fading light gave this image a slightly grainier texture.

Iron ornament in silhouette

I chose this item to photograph because I wanted to see how it looked in silhouette with the light passing through it. Some objects were selected because of their clean outlines and some, like this ornament, were chosen because they would not produce a sold outline.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


In the case of this series of shadow pictures it was a race against time. Intense natural light like this fades fast, especially in the winter. I had to quickly grab items that I thought would have a pleasing silhouette and shoot them quickly. I was sad when nature put an end to the photo shoot.

Often opportunities to capture something interesting are fleeting. Act fast!

Catching Shadows

Often capturing interesting images simply means being aware of your surroundings and noticing small details. This is one of a series of pictures I took while working on a completely unrelated project. I just happened to walk by an area in which the sun was working magic with shadows. I grabbed an iron plate with ornate cut-out detail and captured the object's shadow in this photo.

White and simple. I ran for the camera when I found this patch of beautiful natural sunlight pouring through my bedroom window. I quickly set up the shot and was lucky to get distinct shadows.

My beaded bounty. I can't help but think of the countless hours involved here!

Beaded flowers

I began obsessively making beaded flowers three years ago while suffering through my first winter in the Northwest. I was so struck with how coils of wire and a pile of beads could be turned into something so stunning. Not one to leave well enough alone I later experimented by adding feathers, organza leaves and old buttons. It's been a while since I've made any but I still adore them for their vintage and sparkly charm.

Happy Valentine's Day

Selection of beaded branches on vintage pewter tray.

Snow Flowers

Tiny white beaded flowers look at home in the snow.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Another quick and seasonal change; pillow covers. They come in every imaginable color, size and texture. I collect lots and even add my own embellishments to some.

Try displaying a special piece by draping over a mounted rod.
Embrace Texture!
If it's a bold patterned textile I must have it. Blankets, pillow covers, table linens, tapestries and even fabric remnants are all great for displaying in their own right or for a quick way to change an entire look. And, if you're like me, you'll collect textiles just because you love them!

Find your style

Your style should SPEAK to you. Whether it's eclectic or traditional, your style should be as unique as you are! Decorating should reflect your personality not your neighbor's. Decorating is about self-expression not mimicing a magazine layout. Have fun mixing different elements to create a style that is ALL YOURS!